Results for 'Carla Betrinelli Fdb'

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  1. Edith and Sofia. Feeling and knowing the human person.Carla Betrinelli Fdb - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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    Algorithm portfolios.Carla P. Gomes & Bart Selman - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 126 (1-2):43-62.
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    Em busca da experiência mundana e seus significados: Georg Simmel, Alfred Schutz e a antropologia.Carla Costa Teixeira (ed.) - 2000 - Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará.
  4. Kantian Constructivism and the Moral Problem.Bagnoli Carla - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1229-1246.
    According to the standard objection, Kantian constructivism implicitly commits to value realism or fails to warrant objective validity of normative propositions. This paper argues that this objection gains some force from the special case of moral obligations. The case largely rests on the assumption that the moral domain is an eminent domain of special objects. But for constructivism there is no moral domain of objects prior to and independently of reasoning. The argument attempts to make some progress in the debate (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Constructivism in metaethics.Carla Bagnoli - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Constructivism in ethics is the view that insofar as there are normative truths, for example, truths about what we ought to do, they are in some sense determined by an idealized process of rational deliberation, choice, or agreement. As a “first-order moral account”--an account of which moral principles are correct-- constructivism is the view that the moral principles we ought to accept or follow are the ones that agents would agree to or endorse were they to engage in a hypothetical (...)
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  6. Constructivism about Practical Knowledge.Carla Bagnoli - 2013 - In Constructivism in Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 153-182.
    It is largely agreed that if constructivism contributes anything to meta-ethics it is by proposing that we understand ethical objectivity “in terms of a suitably constructed point of view that all can accept” (Rawls 1980/1999: 307). Constructivists defend this “practical” conception of objectivity in contrast to the realist or “ontological” conception of objectivity, understood as an accurate representation of an independent metaphysical order. Because of their objectivist but not realist commitments, Kantian constructivists place their theory “somewhere in the space between (...)
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    Silencing by Not Telling: Testimonial Void as a New Kind of Testimonial Injustice.Carla Carmona - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (6):577-592.
    In this paper, I characterize a new kind of testimonial injustice, a phenomenon I call ‘testimonial void’, which involves a substantial extension of the limits of the original concept put...
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    Images >> Good Hope.Carla Liesching - 2023 - Diacritics 51 (3):111-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Images >> Good HopeCarla Liesching Click for larger view View full resolution[End Page 111]Carla Liesching is an interdisciplinary artist working across photography, writing, collage, sculpture, bookmaking, and design. Grounded in experiences growing up in apartheid South Africa, she considers the intersections of representation, knowledge, and power, with a focus on colonial histories and enduring constructions of race and geography. Carla's ongoing project, Good Hope, was published by (...)
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    Der Andere Als Herausforderung: Konzeptionen Einer Neuen Verantwortungsethik Bei Lévinas Und Butler.Carla Schriever - 2018 - Transcript Verlag.
    Besonders in politisch unruhigen Zeiten stellt sich in wiederkehrenden Abständen die Frage nach der Verantwortung für unterschiedliche Geschehnisse. Der französisch-jüdische Phänomenologe Emmanuel Lévinas eröffnet einen alternativen Horizont, welcher Verantwortung von einer neuen Seite beleuchtet. Sein Ausgangspunkt ist der Andere: Ein anderer Mensch, der durch seine Ansprache die subjektive Weltordnung aus den Angeln hebt, der fordert und zur Verantwortung ruft. Ein Ruf, dem auf ethischer Grundlage entsprochen werden muss. Es bleibt ein vergeblicher, der auf dem Mittelmeer verhallt. Die Ethik von Emmanuel (...)
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  10. Respect and Membership in the Moral Community.Carla Bagnoli - 2007 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 (2):113 - 128.
    Some philosophers object that Kant's respect cannot express mutual recognition because it is an attitude owed to persons in virtue of an abstract notion of autonomy and invite us to integrate the vocabulary of respect with other persons-concepts or to replace it with a social conception of recognition. This paper argues for a dialogical interpretation of respect as the key-mode of recognition of membership in the moral community. This interpretation highlights the relational and practical nature of respect, and accounts for (...)
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    Emotions and the Dynamics of Reasons.Carla Bagnoli - 2018 - Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (3):347-363.
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  12. Ethical Constructivism.Carla Bagnoli - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Ethical constructivism holds that truths about the relation between rationality, morality, and agency are best understood as constructed by correct reasoning, rather than discovered or invented. Unlike other metaphors used in metaethics, construction brings to light the generative and dynamic dimension of practical reason. On the resultant picture, practical reasoning is not only productive but also self-transforming, and socially empowering. The main task of this volume is to illustrate how constructivism has substantially modified and expanded the agenda of metaethics by (...)
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    L'autorità Della Morale.Carla Bagnoli - 2007 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
    Capitolo I Il rispetto e l'ideale morale 1.1. Angeli, bruti e agenti 1.2. Il rispetto dell'altro 1.3. Il rispetto di sé 1.4. Auto−riflessione e auto−legislazione 1.5. Autonomia e individualità 1.6. Il rispetto e l'attenzione 1.7. Il rispetto e l'amore.
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  14. Feminist Engagement with Evolutionary Psychology.Carla Fehr - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (1):50-72.
    In this paper, I ask feminist philosophers and science studies scholars to consider the goals of developing critical analyses of evolutionary psychology. These goals can include development of scholarship in feminist philosophy and science studies, mediation of the uptake of evolutionary psychology by other academic and lay communities, and improvement of the practices and products of evolutionary psychology itself. I evaluate ways that some practices of feminist philosophy and science studies facilitate or hinder meeting these goals, and consider the merits (...)
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  15. Morality and the Emotions.Carla Bagnoli (ed.) - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Emotions shape our mental and social lives, but their relation to morality is problematic: are they sources of moral knowledge, or obstacles to morality? Fourteen original articles by leading scholars in moral psychology and philosophy of mind explore the relation between emotions and practical rationality, value, autonomy, and moral identity.
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    Engaging Epistemically with the Other: Toward a More Dialogical and Plural Understanding of the Remedy for Testimonial Injustice.Carla Carmona - 2024 - Episteme 21 (3):871-900.
    The concept of testimonial injustice (TI) has been expanded considerably since Fricker's groundbreaking original formulation. Testimonial void (TV), as well as other kinds of TI identified in the last decade, encourage the idea that the virtue of testimonial justice (TJ) is not the appropriate remedy to battle against injustice in our testimonial exchanges. This paper contributes to the existing literature on the limitations of TJ as the remedy for TI by drawing attention to its shortcomings in the context of other (...)
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  17. Explanations of the evolution of sex: A plurality of local mechanisms.Carla Fehr - 2006 - In Stephen H. Kellert, Helen E. Longino & C. Kenneth Waters (eds.), Scientific Pluralism, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Vol 19). University of Minnesota Press. pp. 167-189.
    The evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproduction is a case of explanatory pluralism of central importance to evolutionary biology. I analyze this pluralism from an epistemological perspective. My thesis is that the various explanations of sex are explanatory by virtue of local factors and hence are importantly distinct from one another and cannot be subsumed under a single unifying framework. A critic may argue that philosophical accounts of mechanism can provide just such a framework. I show that this attempt at unification (...)
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    Public Understandings of Addiction: Where do Neurobiological Explanations Fit?Carla Meurk, Adrian Carter, Wayne Hall & Jayne Lucke - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (1):51-62.
    Developments in the field of neuroscience, according to its proponents, offer the prospect of an enhanced understanding and treatment of addicted persons. Consequently, its advocates consider that improving public understanding of addiction neuroscience is a desirable aim. Those critical of neuroscientific approaches, however, charge that it is a totalising, reductive perspective–one that ignores other known causes in favour of neurobiological explanations. Sociologist Nikolas Rose has argued that neuroscience, and its associated technologies, are coming to dominate cultural models to the extent (...)
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  19. Respect and loving attention.Carla Bagnoli - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):483-516.
    On Kant's view, the feeling of respect is the mark of moral agency, and is peculiar to us, animals endowed with reason. Unlike any other feeling, respect originates in the contemplation of the moral law, that is, the idea of lawful activity. This idea works as a constraint on our deliberation by discounting the pretenses of our natural desires and demoting our selfish maxims. We experience its workings in the guise of respect. Respect shows that from the agent's subjective perspective, (...)
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    Sociobiology and the Redemption of Normative Ethics.Carla E. Kary - 1984 - The Monist 67 (2):161-166.
    Moral philosophers aside, people sustain a vital interest in the results of ethical theorizing only on the hope that these results will eventually provide satisfying, clear, and univocal answers to essential moral questions like: What is Right Action? What is Good? But whatever else might be said of this century’s labors in moral philosophy, they have failed utterly to nurture this hope. Instead, the overwhelming perception has been that this sort of answer to these questions is beyond our ken, or (...)
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    Historicism, psychoanalysis, and early modern culture.Carla Mazzio & Douglas Trevor (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    Did people in early modern Europe have a concept of an inner self? Carla Mazzio and Douglas Trevor have brought together an outstanding group of literary, cultural, and history scholars to answer this intriguing question. Through a synthesis of historicism and psychoanalytic criticism, the contributors explore the complicated, nuanced, and often surprising union of history and subjectivity in Europe centuries before psychoanalytic theory. Addressing such topics as "fetishes and Renaissances," "the cartographic unconscious," and "the topographic imaginary," these essays move (...)
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    The experience of premature birth for fathers: the application of the Clinical Interview for Parents of High-Risk Infants to an Italian sample.Carla Candelori, Carmen Trumello, Alessandra Babore, Miri Keren & Roberta Romanelli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Contesting Death: Conservation, Heritage and Pig Killing in Far North Queensland, Australia.Carla Meurk - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (1):79-104.
    What constitutes legitimate killing? How do our concerns over animal death fit with respect to our broader beliefs about the conservation or destruction of the ‘natural’ world? What does this mean for how we think about our own existence? This ethnography concerns itself with such questions as they have played out in a series of entangled conflicts with, and over, the non-human world; specifically, historically rooted tensions over the inception of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area in Queensland Australia and (...)
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  24. Humanitarian Intervention as a Perfect Duty. A Kantian Argument".Carla Bagnoli - 2005 - Nomos 47:117-148.
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    Language Matters.Carla Marie Hess - 1993
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    Stand-up Philosophy.Carla Ingram - 2013 - The Philosophers' Magazine 63:123-124.
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    One causal mechanism in evolution: One unit of selection.Carla E. Kary - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):290-296.
    The theory of evolution is supported by the theory of genetics, which provides a single causal mechanism to explain the activities of replicators and interactors. A common misrepresentation of the theory of evolution, however, is that interaction (involving interactors), and transmission (involving replicators), are distinct causal processes. Sandra Mitchell (1987) is misled by this. I discuss why only a single causal mechanism is working in evolution and why it is sufficient. Further, I argue that Mitchell's mistaken view of the causal (...)
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    A legitimidade dos atos de desobediência civil do movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem Terra sob O enfoque da teoria de Hannah Arendt.Carla Simone Silva - 2013 - Synesis 5 (1).
    Nesse trabalho será analisado o tratamento teórico apresentado por Hannah Arendt sobre o tema da desobediência civil em sua obra Crises da República, traçando um paralelo com as práticas do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra no que tange à legitimidade dos seus atos de desobediência civil. Sob esse enfoque a luta pelo acesso a terra se apresenta como uma possibilidade de que seus integrantes integrem-se em comunidade fundando um espaço público e desenvolvendo sua capacidade de ação política, característica essencial da (...)
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    Partir da Inf'ncia Ou a Arché Do Pensamento.Carla Patrícia Silva - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:01-28.
    Desde o lugar de nascimento da infância, este texto busca, através de Giorgio Agamben (2005), Heráclito (fragmento 52) e Paulo Freire (1982;1986; 2001; 2015), elucidar a coexistência entre infância e tempo. Desse modo, trabalha com a hipótese de que infância e tempo são indefiníveis conceitualmente e diluidoras da ideia de estabilidade, a qual escapa à compreensão de continuidade. É nesse sentido que o presente texto parte da leitura de que a infância é, fundamentalmente, condição de existência da história da humanidade, (...)
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  30. Virtue ethics and the selection of children with impairments: A reply to Rosalind McDougall.Carla Saenz - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (9):499-506.
    In ‘Parental Virtues: A New Way of Thinking about the Morality of Reproductive Actions’ Rosalind McDougall proposes a virtue-based framework to assess the morality of child selection. Applying the virtue-based account to the selection of children with impairments does not lead, according to McDougall, to an unequivocal answer to the morality of selecting impaired children. In ‘Impairment, Flourishing, and the Moral Nature of Parenthood,’ she also applies the virtue-based account to the discussion of child selection, and claims that couples with (...)
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  31. Change in view: sensitivity to facts in prospective rationality.Carla Bagnoli - 2013 - In Giancarlo Marchetti, Hilary Putnam, Donald Davidson, Sharyn Clough & Ruth Anna Putnam (eds.), La contingenza dei fatti e l'oggettivita dei valori. Sesto San Giovanni, Milano: Mimesis. pp. 137-158.
    In this chapter, I offer a constructivist account of practical reasoning as both generative and transformative in response to calls from philosophers as diverse as Iris Murdoch and Gilbert Harman, who have urged the development of a more nuanced picture of reasoning that incorporates revisionary and revelatory changes in viewpoint. Within this context, I describe sensitivity to facts as a form of emotional engagement that is also partially constitutive of facts. I consider both the epistemological and ontological aspects of this (...)
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  32. Moral constructivism: A phenomenological argument.Carla Bagnoli - 2002 - Topoi 21 (1-2):125-138.
  33. Feminism and Science: Mechanism Without Reductionism.Carla Fehr - unknown
    During the scientific revolution reductionism and mechanism were introduced together. These concepts remained intertwined through much of the ensuing history of philosophy and science, resulting in the privileging of approaches to research that focus on the smallest bits of nature. This combination of concepts has been the object of intense feminist criticism, as it encourages biological determinism, narrows researchers’ choices of problems and methods, and allows researchers to ignore the contextual features of the phenomena they investigate. I argue that the (...)
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    Distributed Learning in the Classroom: Effects of Rereading Schedules Depend on Time of Test.Carla E. Greving & Tobias Richter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35. The Authority of Reflection.Carla Bagnoli - 2007 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 22 (1):43-52.
    This paper examines Moran’s argument for the special authority of the first-person, which revolves around the Self/Other asymmetry and grounds dichotomies such as the practical vs. theoretical, activity vs. passivity, and justificatory vs. explanatory reasons. These dichotomies qualify the self-reflective person as an agent, interested in justifying her actions from a deliberative stance. The Other is pictured as a spectator interested in explaining action from a theoretical stance. The self-reflective knower has authority over her own mental states, while the Spectator (...)
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    Introduction.Carla Bagnoli - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):311-316.
    This volume collects articles in realism, anti-realism, and constructivism.
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  37. Deliberare, comparare, misurare.Carla Bagnoli - 2007 - Ragion Pratica: Rivista semestrale 26:65-80.
    © Carla Bagnoli DELIBERARE, COMPARARE, MISURARE É opinione ampiamente condivisa che l’incommensurabilità e la commensurabilità sono ipotesi sulla natura del valore che pongono delle condizioni pesanti sulla deliberazione e sulla nostra capacità di compiere scelte ragionate. Pragmatisti e pluralisti si sono adoperati ad argomentare che la commensurabilità non è un requisito necessario alla scelta razionale. In questo articolo sosterrò che vi è un argomento ancora più radicale di quello pluralista e pragmatista secondo il quale la commensurabilità, così come l’incommensurabilità, (...)
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    Feminism, Social Justice, and Artificial Intelligence.Carla Fehr - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Introduction to the special issue by editor Carla Fehr.
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    Individual Responsibility under Systemic Corruption: A Coercion-Based View.Carla Bagnoli & Emanuela Ceva - 2023 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (1):95-117.
    Should officeholders be held individually responsible for submitting to systemically corrupt institutional practices? We draw a structural analogy between individual action under coercive threat and individual participation in systemic corruption, and we argue that officeholders who submit to corrupt institutional practices are not excused by the existence of a systemic coercive threat. Even when they have good personal reasons to accept the threat, they remain individually morally assessable and, in the circumstances, they are also individually blameworthy for actions performed in (...)
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    Discussing What Would Happen: The Role of Thought Experiments in Galileo’s Dialogues.Carla Rita Palmerino - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):906-918.
    Thought experiments play an important epistemic, rhetorical and didactic function in Galileo’s dialogues. In some cases, Salviati, Sagredo and Simplicio agree about what would happen in an imaginary scenario and try to understand whether the predicted outcome is compatible with their respective theoretical assumptions. There are, however, also situations in which the predictions of the three interlocutors turn out to be theory-laden. Salviati, Sagredo and Simplicio not only disagree about what would happen, but they reject each other’s solutions as question-begging (...)
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    The virtual simulation of child sexual abuse: online gameworld users’ views, understanding and responses to sexual ageplay.Carla Reeves - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (2):101-113.
    This paper explores cultural understandings of virtual sexual ageplay in the online world of Second Life. Online sexual ageplay is the virtual simulation of child abuse by consensual adults operating in-world with child computer characters. Second Life is primarily governed by Community Standards which rely on residents to recognise sexual ageplay and report it, which requires an appreciation of how residents view, understand and construct sexual ageplay. The research presented drew on 12 months of resident blog posts referring to sexual (...)
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    Everyday Ethics and Ebola: Planning for the Unlikely.Carla C. Keirns - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):68-70.
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  43. The Mafioso Case: Autonomy and Self-respect.Carla Bagnoli - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (5):477-493.
    This article argues that immoralists do not fully enjoy autonomous agency because they are not capable of engaging in the proper form of practical reflection, which requires relating to others as having equal standing. An adequate diagnosis of the immoralist’s failure of agential authority requires a relational account of reflexivity and autonomy. This account has the distinctive merit of identifying the cost of disregarding moral obligations and of showing how immoralists may become susceptible to practical reason. The compelling quality of (...)
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  44. Morality as practical knowledge.Carla Bagnoli - 2012 - Analytic Philosophy 53 (1):61-70.
    In his original essay, The Form of Practical Knowledge, Stephen Engstrom argues for placing Kant’s ethics in the tradition of practical cognitivism. My remarks are intended to highlight the merits of his interpretation in contrast to intuitionism and constructivism, understood as ways of appropriating Kant’s legacy. In particular, I will focus on two issues: first, the special character of practical knowledge—as opposed to theoretical knowledge and craft expertise; and second, the apparent tension between the demands of morality and the requirements (...)
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    Practical Knowledge, Equal Standing, and Proper Reliance on Others.Carla Bagnoli - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):821-842.
    According to a traditional account, moral cognition is an achievement gained over time by sharing a practice under the guidance and the example of the wise, in analogy with craft and apprenticeship. This model captures an important feature of practical reason, that is, its incompleteness, and highlights our dependence on others in obtaining moral knowledge, coherently with the socially extended mind agenda and recent findings in empirical psychology. However, insofar as it accords to exemplars’ decisive authority to determine the standard (...)
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  46. Kant in Metaethics: The Paradox of Moral Autonomy, Solved by Publicity.Carla Bagnoli - 2017 - In M. Altman (ed.), Kant Handbook. Palgrave. pp. 355-377.
    This chapter aims to situate Kant’s account of practical reason in metaethical debates. First, it explains the reasons why it is legitimate and instructive to discuss Kant’s relevance in contemporary metaethics, hence addressing some issues about the intended scope of metaethics and its relation to practical reason and psychology. Second, it defends an interpretation of Kant’s conception of autonomy, which avoids some paradoxes traditionally associated with self-legislation. Third, it shows that constructivism best captures Kant’s conception of practical reason and of (...)
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    Die Logik der politischen Beziehung.Carla Amadio - 2003 - Fichte-Studien 24:103-111.
    Hinsichtlich der Perspektive, die wir versuchen zu vertreten, enthält der logische Aufbau der Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre von 1794-1795 durch das Anstreben einer Beziehungslogik, d.h. des Zusammenhaltens der Gegensätze, die Voraussetzungen für die weitere Entwicklung der Lehre Fichtes, vor allem in Hinsicht auf das Politische.
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    Fremde Religion in Herodots „Historien“. Religiöse Mehrdimensionalität bei Persern und Ägyptern.Filippo Carlà-Uhink - 2023 - Kernos 36:241-243.
    Appare sempre sorprendente come un autore come Erodoto possa, nonostante l’inquantificabile mole di studi dedicata alla sua opera, dare vita ancora e sempre a nuove pubblicazioni che sviluppano prospettive di ricerca originali e nuove letture delle Storie, al livello di singoli passi, di libri individuali o dell’opera nel suo complesso. Anche il tema della religione in Erodoto, trattato più nello specifico dal volume qui recensito, è stato oggetto recentemente di nuovi, significativi studi, t...
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    Literatura reciente sobre Wittgenstein, II.Carla Cordua - 1993 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 28 (61):169-194.
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    Avant-propos.Carla Danani & Célie Rouillier - 2022 - Diogène n° 273-274 (1):3-6.
    Dans cet article, après avoir souligné l’heureuse ambiguïté du terme d’utopie, dont nous avons de bonnes raisons de penser qu’elle a été remarquée par Thomas More, nous rendons d’abord compte de la large diffusion de l’utopisme au niveau historique et géographique. Nous examinons ensuite quelques-unes des critiques les plus importantes qui lui ont été adressées, soulevées notamment par Karl Popper et Hans Jonas. Examiner les différentes problématisations de l’utopisme permet de mettre en lumière ses différents aspects afin de différencier l’intentionnalité (...)
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